
Devils Horde went through a huge change compared to what it was meant to be due to having to start again late into development due to my hard Drive Failing. The Original game was meant to be a rouge like survival but due to time crunch of trying to develop the game from square one the rouge element was dropped in favour of a couple magic abilities the player starts out with and more concentrating on more of the survival aspect on a smaller map. which brings to another aspect that sadly had to be dropped was the interactive maps in the build before the hard drive failed the maps were smaller and have more interactable parts (spikes, Rivers that carried the player and swinging traps that could push both player and enemies into a pit). Another key part of the game that had to be dropped was the different enemies and their abilities only one type of enemy could make it into the final version and that was the slime which had the ability to split every time it was hit. Some of the enemies that didn't make it in were a ranged enemy, or stronger mini boss type enemies. Controller support was also missed out from the final version. Magic was one aspect that was added to the game was meant to be separate characters but due to time it was brought into the only playable character which is now 

Feature List 

  • end game with feedback (current Kills and what the highest kill count is)
  • a restart Button
  • a high score screen
  • Enemies that pursue the player with basic AI
  • Attract mode played on the main menu screen and high score screen
  • Music and sound effects

Outside Assets  

ChatGPT Usage

My base Mana script was written by Chat GPT and then change slightly to suit my needs

I got Chat GPT to Modify The player shooting Script to create the "AI" that plays on the main menu and high score screen

Chat GPT also created a basic Healing script for me that I changed Slightly

Chat GPT wrote my Pickup Drop script

ChatGPT Helped edit my Game Manager script

Chat GPT Also Did some Basic Script Corrections for a lot of my scripts Formatting and troubleshooting 

Controls and user Guide are on the Game Page



Files Play in browser
Oct 16, 2023

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